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All particpants are auto,atically connected to Qcircle for extended privileges and awards.

Event participants will be provided with a Qcircle Qualified Client User Plan on enrolment. On completion they are awarded with a one year complimentary Qualified Affiliate Plan on application.

Qcircle is an Education plus Business Consortium with an open innovation paradigm for all to find their own fit.  It provides cooperative learning and business opportunities for purposeful participation in the eConsortium.

Events and Members Exchanges
Learn. Earn. Share

All events/programs are organised and delivered by Members Partners.
New participants will be provided with a one year Starters Plus Plan on enrollment to chart their progression @ Qcircle.

  • Complimentary upgrade to Affiliate Plan for qualified persons on completion on select programs.
  • Online registration is a requisite to participate in any event.

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Complimentary login as friends.
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Qcircle Induction Event

Be digitally connected. Qcircle Qualifying Events.
Jointly hosted with eConsortium Partners


Event Highlights

Know more about value added services and products
Hosted by eConsortium Partners

Coming Event / Watch out for the invitation

Qcircle Job and Business Induction Fair

Qcircle Job and Business Induction

Virtual tour of job and business opportunities at Qcircle. Quick online portfolio set-up. DIgital Induction Workshop . Consortium Financial Plan for self actualisation of returns

Select the event/program that suits your development need

Qcircle Qualifying Events

Qcircle Enterprise Workshop

Virtual tour of job and business opportunities at Qcircle. Quick online portfolio set-up. DIgital Induction Workshop . Consortium Financial Plan for self actualisation of returns