Enterprise Qcircle Workshop


Job and Business Induction as Affiliates. Category and Interest to be determined on completion. Advance career and business option.

SKU: QC-IW-004 Category:

Entreprise Qcircle Workshop
Directed new opportunities for educators, business and professional service providers in the digital world,

The future : New jobs and businesses in digital economies. Flexible or parallel career and business for all.

For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital age. Qcircle eConsortiun Ecosystem for a shared value growth will be introduced.

Program : Program with interest group interaction to determine competencies and interest. Focus on specialisation and marketplace development.

Enrolment : All participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Plus Plan to explore the eConsortium to advance themselves.

Outcome : All suitably qualified participants are eligible for upgrade to be an Affiliate @ Qcircle on completion of program.

Next enrolment : Contact us

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